• Politicians must become peoplecentric and concentrate on the welfare of its people. I want to vote for a party that looks at the gross domestic happiness and gross domestic peace. Not just a party that only considers the gross domestic product.
    Like ·  ·  · Yesterday at 1:31pm · 
    • Lamin Ibrahim Very utopic sentiments. Politics and morality do not coincide.
      20 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Don Liburd The current politicians maintain the old colonila guidelines. Keep the people in check...make them dependent on the politician at all times and for all things. If the rebel apply their laws and us force or the police force. Remember only about 1.5% of the local population has reached university level, so the rest are miseducated in a system that is antiquated and can not fit into the current mindset of the now generation
      20 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Don Liburd By the way 1% of the highly educated st.maarteners. Never return to the island. In de land der blinden is eenoog koning. So since we are a mirrored after our mother colony, it is easy to resolve the problems of this caribbean speck in the ocean. The dutch will return to put the entire administration in orde. It is their system and they easily adapt to the weather and the perks are great. That is st.maarten for you!
      20 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Don Liburd Where we are heading nobody knows. Are we really ready? Since 101010 like we need a crazy house. Everybody gone mad.
      19 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Lamin Ibrahim Don with all due respect...........dont confuse education with intelligence. The vast majority (except in St. Maarten) of politicians have Masters and Doctorates etc. What is the end result? A severe lack of intelligence. Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and the former president of Brazil Mr. Da Silva....had no FORMAL education. Look at the results. Meanwhile, America's leaders have for the most part gone to IVY league schools........and look at their debt situation. I am an educator....I can tell you first hand....never confuse education for intelligence. There is a huge difference.
      19 hours ago · Like · 4
    • Hilbert Haar Unfortunately Gross Domestic Bullsh1t rules
      16 hours ago · Like · 2
  • So Don Liburd what the govetnor is saying... we have a new government or we going have new election...??? I just confuse...
    Like ·  ·  · 12 hours ago via mobile · 
    • Agnetha Huijting Don , almost sound like u are a woman hater , for sure the men that are corrupt
    • Don Liburd Please I could never be a woman hater. I think they are proving their skills daily in all areas. I am a man and I think that the next feneration of men are falling behind and that is a problem. Imagine a smart woman who cant find a decent good smart ma...See More
      4 hours ago · Like · 5
    • Cheryl Labega Yup. I too think we have to try and try and try with our young boys. it is not easy, but we can't give up on our own.
      4 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Don Liburd Our boys are bombarded with Gangsta Culture and Thug Life on TV all day....Now they emulating this nonsense in the Caribbean. they all wanna get rich or die trying like 50cents. Education is no longer a driving force with our young men. Excellence is...See More
      4 hours ago · Like · 2


    Governor please chose Sarah or William side.... let us get this done with.

    Its done clear for we the people to becareful for who we vote for other wise we will get stuck with them for 4 years...
    Like ·  ·  · 14 hours ago via mobile · 
  • *** Governor Press Release ***

    Harbour View - Considering the current political environment and the ongoing debate His Excellency the Governor of Sint Maarten, drs. E.B. Holiday considers it important that the population take stock of the situation free from the ongoing political maneuvering.

    In that regard the Governor wishes to emphasize that political debate is a prerequisite for growth in any democracy. And the Governor stresses that it goes without saying that such should take place peacefully and with mutual respect for the opinions of all sides.
    ...See More
    Like ·  ·  · 14 hours ago via mobile · 
  • Governor Holiday just hung himself.He ill advised the NA when he told Marlin they could not hold a meeting without Sarah and they could not take a decision without the two seated boss. He rewarded the Sarah for committing FRAUD and he violated his own rules of order specifically Article 26. This opens the door for the people of St Maarten to send all information and correspondence from the Governor to the Raad van Staten and go after him for dereliction of duty, especially since he violated his own rules of order.
    Like ·  ·  · 15 hours ago · 
    • 2 people like this.
    • Bettiv Nisbeth so lets focus on how we as a COMMUNITY can help each other
      6 hours ago · Like · 2
    • Nelson Els time to move on pass this now.....
      Let William alone in his own confusion!!!

      One of the most credible & intelligent persons we have on sxm...
      is Governor Holiday...
      ...See More
    • Baly Leopold Youngsters in this politico-administrative arena need to learn that if they try to come to conclusions on "talks" they will only end up in a merry-go-round with nothing to go forward on.
      'TALK" is but one given a free of charge spirited performance, One is only obliged by what he writes down black on white.
  • Galatians 5
    16So I advise you to live according to your new life in the Holy Spirit. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. 17The old sinful nature loves to do evil, which is just opposite from what the Holy Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are opposite from what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, and your choices are never free from this conflict. 18But when you are directed by the Holy Spirit, you are no longer subject to the law.
    Like ·  ·  · 5 hours ago near Dallas, TX · 
    • 21 people like this.
    • Mary Werning The wonderful thing.is though, we struggle with this rebellion, the war between good and evil will exist with man until jesus comes to take us home to heaven. We have that assurance. Jesus payed penilty for sin.
      4 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • BREAKING NEWS: " Decide to Decide " or you will keep reacting to the situations in your LIFE. #Iggy - Nation
    Like ·  ·  · 13 minutes ago · 
  • *** Public Notice ***

    Tonight the nurses of Youth Health Care/ Babyclinic once again keeping a vaccination outreach/ lecture evening

    Location will be Dr. Martin Luther King school in Dutch Quater
    ...See More
    Like ·  ·  · 5 hours ago via mobile · 
  • A special thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes!
    Like ·  ·  · about a minute ago near New York, NY ·