Same old that too harsh? Same government that was screwing up, are back in power. This time Theo couldn't make it back, Mr Voldemorte himself. He is working vicariously through Maurice Lake, his favorite house negro though. What else can I say. Lot's of crime, I posted all the info to blog. The people who were running those illegals when the boat capsized are being held in French St Martin, probably the worst place for your boat to capsize and kill three people. Three people still missing, nine or so injured. The monster who killed that baby Mr Le Blanc of Dominica won't be in court til September. The teenagers who killed that other teenager in Middle Region are being held in separate cells at the Adult jail facility, since St Maarten never thought of Juvenile Detention, they were busy building a dang 100 million dollar park. Some crooked Italian, Mr Pompei was busted at Goldfingers using a fake credit card, blew 77.000 plus dollars on a Rolex, went back the next day, and got busted. Goldfingers was robbed of over a million dollars, still no suspects, maybe they should consider looking within. That heist went too smooth to be an outside job. The blogs continue, much to the chagrain and annoyance of the Government and St Maarten police. They've actually managed something I couldn't do myself. Made me faster and more efficient on the computer.
Peace til your next updates
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