I would like to entertain the minds of the readers a little before the holidays.
Now that Wescot-Williams Cabinet III is up and running, poor people are still in dire straits.
Comrades, begone! These politicians would not tell the truth to God. but, I pomised my comrades that I would address the social and political issues more aggressively next year.
You know what next year is? When I tackle the issues I will be more ferocious than my pardner coach Radjouki when he is on the attack in a table-tennis competition, but more on that next year. I am aware that politics is the art of the possible. Now let me engage your minds.
Comrades, if I were to put a government together with all the officials and politicians that are around now, I would do the following:
-Ministerie van Algemene Zaken (Min. AZ): Dr Eugene Haliday (PM)
-Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening, Milieu en Inrastructuur (Minister of Public Housing and Spatial Planning Environment and infrastructure: Mr William V Marlin.
- Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Social Ontwikkeling en Arbeid (Min VSA): Dr Lloyd Richardson.-I believe Dr Lloyd Richardson would shine like a star I have ew reservations.
-Ministerie van Cultuur, Jeugd en Sport (Min OCJS): Sylveria E. Jacobs.- her record speaks volumes.
-Ministerie van Justitie (Min JUS): Mr Todd Peterson without a doubt. Sorry comrades, Todd is my choice. Yes, I know that he is not a politician.
-Ministerie van Toerisme, Economische Zaken, Vervoer en Telecommunicatie (Min): Mrs Claudette Charles Hassel or Mr Stuart Johnson.
-Kabinet Gevolmachtigde Minister (KGM): Mrs Sarah Wescot Williams-rated very highly or diplomacy
The 15 members in Parliament would be:
1) Lourdes Brooks-Lake,
2) Keith Kendall Dupersoy
3) Christopher C.T. Emmanuel
4)Sylvia Meyers
5)Rhoda Arrindell
6)Rodolphe Samuel
7) Richelda Emmanuel
8) Antonio Brown
9) George Pantophlet
10) Don R. Hughes
11) Leona Marlin-Romeos
12) Rudy Engel
13) Henry Salomons
14) Theo Heyliger
15) Leonard Priest.
Comrades Happy Holidays,
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